Never Go To Bed Angry

February 4th, 2012

Some say it goes back to the Bible, in Ephesians 4:26. “Let not the sun go down upon your wrath.” Regardless of its origins, the adage has been scarcely researched. But in a recent study in The Journal of Neuroscience, scientists found there might be a nugget of truth to it: Going to sleep after experiencing negative emotions appears to reinforce or “preserve” them.

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Building Smarter Beings

July 17th, 2011

By Riddhi Shah of the HuffingtonPost: Over the last decade, interest in the science of meditation has skyrocketed. We now know more than ever before about just how meditation affects our minds and bodies. Increased research has led to a plethora of fascinating discoveries: Take, for instance, the fact that meditation can prevent heart disease. Or that it reduces stress. Or that it can significantly lessen ADHD symptoms, and in many cases, beats medication.

Still, much is left to be discovered. We know more but we definitely don’t know everything. While we wait for science to catch up with ancient wisdom, check out this slideshow on the complex effects of the simple act of focused breathing [here are its salient points]:

  • [S]ustained meditation leads to something called neuroplasticity, which is defined as the brain’s ability to change, structurally and functionally, on the basis of environmental input. For much of the last century, scientists believed that the brain essentially stopped changing after adulthood. But research by University of Wisconsin neuroscientist Richard Davidson has shown that experienced meditators exhibit high levels of gamma ray activity and display an ability — continuing after the meditation session has attended — to not get stuck on a particular stimulus. That is, they’re automatically able to control their thoughts and reactiveness.

The Big Picture: Sleep

January 11th, 2011

A simple idea for increased productivity…watch this TED talk by Arianna Huffington…and sleep! — Cathie

Essential Air Purifiers

December 21st, 2010

Why would you need an air purifier?  To control dust, pollen and pet hair, to help rid your space of chemicals and toxins, germs, mold spores, to help with asthma or allergies, or to remove odors.

This reliable site offers great education on air purifiers, and gives you tools to find the best ones to solve your particular problem.  They sell many different brands and models and offer a guarantee.

Having Trouble Sleeping?

November 3rd, 2010

Tone up your hand-eye coordination with this BBC Science & Nature game: Sheep Dash!

Then learn a little more about sleep from the BBC over here.