Having Trouble Sleeping?

November 3rd, 2010

Tone up your hand-eye coordination with this BBC Science & Nature game: Sheep Dash!

Then learn a little more about sleep from the BBC over here.

Diet, Lifestyle and Sleep

October 21st, 2010

By Nedeltcheva AV et al: “The barriers to maintaining healthy body weight are complex and include physiologic, psychological, and social factors” according to an editorial in an Annals study.

“If your goal is to lose fat, skipping sleep is like poking sticks in your bicycle wheels,” Penev said. “Cutting back on sleep, a behavior that is ubiquitous in modern society, appears to compromise efforts to lose fat through dieting. In our study it reduced fat loss by 55 percent.”

“Perhaps sleep should be included as part of the lifestyle package that traditionally has focused on diet and exercise…” Continue reading »

Grow Your Brain

September 26th, 2010

“Walking for 3 hours per week for only 3 months caused so many neurons to grow that it actually increased the size of people’s brains.”

Increase your production of brain cells with chocolate, tea, blueberries & meditation; decrease brain cells with sugar, nicotine, narcotics, alcohol & stress.

Ernestine at 74

August 25th, 2010

Ernestine Shepard was shopping for swimsuits with her sister in 1992 when they realized they weren’t in such great shape; so at the age of 56…Ernestine took her first aerobics class. Today she is 74, still running 80 miles a week, lifting free-weights, setting records and teaching classes.